Hocking Hills Waterfall

This waterfall is called the Upper Falls and is located on the trail at Old Man’s Cave in Hocking Hills state park.  This was taken during the Fall season.  I was hoping to get a chance to go back this spring when the waterfalls were at their fullest, but I was sick for too long and missed the opportunity.  I guess that just means I get to look forward to it next year.  It really is a beautiful area and one of my favorite places in Ohio.  It is a bit too known and traveled, but if you go in the early morning, you can mostly have the trails to yourself.  At least that was my experience when I took this photograph.  There was only one other person there. My next trip there will hopefully be sometime in the winter when these falls will be ice.

Prints available here.

Hocking Hills Waterfall



The Upper Falls

Here’s one of my photographs of the Upper Falls on the Old Man’s Cave trail in Hocking Hills.  The waterfall is rather small here in Fall season, but during the Early Spring it will probably look like a completely different waterfall with a much larger water flow.  But, I kind of like the peaceful scene portrayed this season.  I have many more photographs of this area, but I thought this image deserved its own post.

Prints available here for those interested.

The Upper Falls: Hocking Hills Fine Art Photography by Angela Murdock

Devil’s Bathtub

This last time we went to Hocking Hills we hiked toward the Devil’s Bathtub and the Upper Falls.  It was a cloudy Monday morning, which meant very few people were hiking at the time.  Actually, we were mostly by ourselves for the majority of our time there, which was very nice.

In this post I’m sharing some of the images I took of the Devil’s Bathtub as well as the small waterfall it creates.  As you can see the creek flows into a basin, and that is what’s referred to as the Devil’s Bathtub.  I think it gets it’s name for the fact that it looks like an endless pit, but it’s actually not as deep as it looks.  It was quite a beautiful scene, and I only wish I could have gotten more creative compositions by getting closer to the edge, but it had rained a few days prior, and I wasn’t about to risk slipping on the damp rocks.

I can only imagine what this looks like in the Spring when the water levels are much higher, or maybe in the winter when the creek is frozen.  That’s one of the interesting things about this state park, the fact that the seasons each have something unique to offer.

For those interested in prints or who would like to see more of our Hocking Hills pictures, you can find them here.

Devil's Bathtub in Hocking Hills: Fine Art Photography by Angela Murdock

Devil's Bathtub: Fine Art Photography by Angela Murdock

Looking Down at Devil's Bathtub: Fine Art Photography by Angela Murdock

Devil's Bathtub at Old Man's Cave: Fine Art Photography by Angela Murdock

devil's bathtub waterfall: Fine Art Photography by Angela Murdock